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Super sellers from the omnichannel universe
Remote selling today is about making a difference in the omnichannel universe. Every day you have the opportunity to connect and engage...

ERICA BORGES para E-commerce Brasil
Fashion Market in Brazil: e-commerce x exports
Brazilian fashion has a very positive image in the world. The market is promising with the rise in the dollar and tax incentives. We have...

Video in e-commerce increases conversion!
Using video as part of your marketing strategy is very important. Because it offers content attributes that induce more confidence. It is...

ALICE WAKAI e MARCIO COTS para E-commerce Brasil
Cross Border: how does legislation work to sell abroad?
Junho's E-Commerce Magazine Brasil layer theme, or cross border is among the main non-e-commerce themes this year. Second data given by...

Erica Borges
Instagram and fashion e-commerce
Instagram is the medium that most attracts consumers in the fashion segment in the country. And now brands have a powerful visual...

Alice Wakai para E-commerce Brasil
Standardization of online fashion products: there are initiatives in this direction
During the E-Commerce Brazil Forum, the chat “Standardization of fashion products online took place: are there any initiatives in this...

Erica Borges para Revista Ecommerce Brasil
B2B cross-border e-commerce
O B2B cross-border ecommerce é a disruptura que faltava, para marcas brasileiras conquistarem o mundo.

Erica Borges
Agile Project for E-commerce
How to plan the development project!

Erica Borges para Ecommerce Brasil
Fashion Industry and Retail balance post Covid-19
The fashion market has always prospered, through the constant change of trends and behavior, which are represented in the personal image...
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